Wednesday, September 28, 2011

a few recents....

There have been a few moments in these first few months where I have pulled the 'rookie mom' card!!!! On a few occasions I have run out of diapers, or forgotten my wipes ( twice), or in this case, didnt pack extra clothes for our spit up episodes. Here is my red neck baby (as Dirk called it)...
Hahaha!!! I was working on something at my parents house, and Jaxson of course made a mess ;) like most boys do... so I had to take off his onsie, throw it in the wash and in the mean time, all we had were camo pants... very red neck!!!!

                                    my sweet bubba!!!!!!!

here is another moment where I forgot wipes! thank goodness for Autie Lo Lo who is a pro mom now, always prepared!!! She came through for us!
This was Ryan and Heather's wedding! Big event to not have wipes!!!!!!

Morning football! One of their favorite things to do together!

quick trip to costco

and...watching the food network with mommy!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ryder... Who is that?!?!

Darling Ryder has come up with his own names for some members in my family! Dirk and Jaxson - have been renamed by a 2 year old ;)

Cock and cocky.... hahahahahaha.... oh how I love that boy!!! 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Vacation with an 8 week old...

Yes, its true, somehow I was convinced that going on a vacation with our 8 week old would be a good idea... or deep down I was craving the vacation just as much as those around me...

... well, the vacation proved to be a great time! We needed to relax, get out of the house and enjoy a little time in the sun with some family and friends! And traveling with a tiny baby, wasnt as bad as I had thought!

laying out by the pool, lake in view! This is where we spent most of our time. Having a little baby means not being too far away- but we did play on the boat when we could! 

Jaxson waking Uncle Dane up in the morning... not much else would get him out of bed ;)

clearly Jaxson had a good time! His job was easy. All he had to do was eat, poop, and entertain the crowd!

chillen out!

hanging with mom!

grandma Linda helping tuck baby in before bed time

Jaxson having a conversation with Beppe ;)