Friday, June 1, 2012

mama time

out to run errands! 

making a mess in the kitchen

eating chocolate cake

helping with arts and crafts

being sweet and cuddly

being wild and crazy

playing outside- straight limbs- so excited!

as close to the grass as he can get without touching it- he doesnt like the feeling;) !!! hahaha

helping fold laundry

and of course- helping with the dishes too!

starting chores early ;)

just like daddy

basketball shorts and hunting for sports center...

morning hair



hungry ;)... just thought this was funny!!

my boys and their tanks!!


Now that Jaxson is a little older the playdates are becoming more and more fun. He is starting to recognize other babies or kids and gets so excited to play!
With all this warm weather, we had an out door water date with sweet Preston! Oh how we love to play with water and splash!


sweet faces!

We joined in the fun at Grama Susie and Grampa's this past thursday. Something we will do more often- A play date with all the great grand baby boys! This is a precious thing for us to be able to do. I love visiting with my grandparents and watching all the little boys go nuts! 

Aunty Tessa and Aunty Debbie

Smiles for GG


snacking on cherrios with Gramps. I had an exact moment like this when I was little... only I spilled all my cheerios on the floor and felt terrible- but grandma said to me- its always an accident at Grama's house (never mad at me) ... so to this day ... when something happens, I just claim- It was an accident!!!!