Friday, December 6, 2013

Surviving in Winter...

This is what happens if we dont get outside as often as we like...

we all start looking like dinosaurs...

Art time... Beppa would be proud...

for halloween this year Jaxson decorated a pumpkin that was to be entered into a contest at Nana's work... so off we went with the decorating... 

after the paint dried he told me where to put the glue so he could decorate...

oh its a thing of beauty...

mr dino. On his way to drop off his work of art...

oh jaxson...

We saw a few wedding photos... and it seems Jaxson is recognizing his family!!

and I decided this year was the year to start the chocolate advent calendar tradition. Every kid should look forward to a chocolate a day!!

and we always look forward to fridays around here.. we sent this video to daddy last week... 


Awe, Sweet Hawaii... what can we say... Its always the best. Even though we suffered from colds and running from the flu ;/ we still had a fabulous time!!!
We arrived at the airport on time, but pulled a Home Alone with getting to our gate. We checked our bags literally at the last second ... and then RAN. We ran. I was sweating. It was ridiculous. We were THOSE people...
but we made it. And we ran into Miss Cheryl of all things.

getting ready for the run to the gate...

mommy wouldnt have been smiling if she knew she was about to work out at an airport!

but we made it... 
The flight over for us was a God send of relaxation... who knew you could even say that when you have a toddler... but it really was just so easy. 

we made it from the flight, to our shuttle, to the ferry, and FINALLY- LANAI!!! He was amazing the ENTIRE way... I still cant believe it! 

and in charge of his own luggage... so very responsible!

Our room was ridiculous... they gave him a stuffed animal and his own robe and slippers. Which he decided would be more fun to throw than wear! whatever!

the crib was even cute and filled with organic wipes, diapers, and lotions... and not to mention... in our tub they had mini sponges that spelled out Jaxson's name... Holy Moly! I guess I can get used to this kind of service!! 

Off to greet the rest of the Hamady/ Young family!!! Yeah for WEDDINGS!!!!

this guy... tuckered out... on my bed ;/

trying to have breakfast on our balcony... He didnt eat much ... other than bacon and chips all week. 

checking out our favorite spot to feed the fish! "peed bish" - Jaxson

the birds on the way to our room... 

Rehearsal family shot!

Catamaran Rehearsal 

and the big day... this little guy, after running down the aisle decided to sit with Beppa and have a front row view!! I dont blame him! It was pretty special!

and ... here are those tired parents, catching a break and a few cocktails because Grampa Barney willingly sat in our room during nap time! This was the best! 

and of course... the dinosaurs came everywhere with us... 

one early morning this guy crawls into bed with us. and this is how he decided to sleep... literally for 2 hours!! This is why I do not regularly welcome children in my bed!! pretty cute on vacation though.

and .. the MRS HAMADYS... its official. There is one more of us now... more backup... 
Such a fun time. And such a beautiful wedding.
YAY UNCLE BEN!!!!!!!!! YAY AUNTIE T!!!!!!!!!

back on maui... we visited to COOLEST kids pool ever... but definitely the COLDEST!!! never the less, sweet Beppa swam with the unstoppable Jaxson.

and ... the endless fun with those sweet Furtado boys. We LOVE our cousins!!

towel baby- the best!

this is the new pose when I ask him to smile for the camera... what is this??!?!

Hot stuff right there

and there is that dinosaur...

beach gallop... this melts my heart right here...

and yes, this big kid (daddy) couldnt resist getting the little kid on this board... I cant blame him, but round 1 was kinda rough ;) haha...

ok- round 2:

and a proud Grampa ;)

paddle board... my dad, he would!

little Jaxson going for a ride with daddy

back pack... (life jacket)

love that goof ball!

a little swim with Nana

the only moment that he actually wore his cute hat

his sweet obsession with baby lila... I am pretty sure she was trying hard to get away ;)

and if we didnt play with the actual dinosaurs... then we pretended We were the dinos... Good job Beppa!!!

beach boys.

and our last night... one of the best... we finally all got together for a lovely dinner and a celebration of Beppas birthday!!!