Tuesday, December 20, 2011

tis the season...

Christmas tradition is something I look forward to every year! Piling in the car, taking a few sharp turns and marching around hunting for the perfect tree to place in the house! 

may the hunt begin!

ok, well with a baby we didnt get to spend too much time looking, but lucky for us there were plenty of pretty ones around!

manly man!!!! love the flannel!

Koda and Gramps!

The family shot we didnt put on a card this year... maybe next year we will send one out. 

of course a little splash of something nice!

my men!!!!!

hanging with Grama

eat my fingers!!!

then we did our own little christmas shoot!!!!

 he loved the lights!!! i had to move quickly before they ended up in his mouth!!!!
Merry Christmas!!!!

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