Thursday, February 23, 2012

7 month photo shoot

Before we started our seven month photo shoot I thought I would take some pictures of what Dirk and I see when Jaxson wakes up in his crib. He has learned that Mommy and Daddy will come through that door... so I will wait, make noise, and stare...

first... a peak through the railing...

Then and excited head poke over the crib...

and back down to see whats really going on out there! ;)
He has even learned to pull down on the bumper to get a better look

probably looking for Koda...

and so the photo shoot begins... and this is the only picture that has the 7 block showing. Jaxson snagged it early on!

slick hair!

thrilled about the new toy...


and daddy came in at the end... all smiles!

6 month photo shoot...

past due, but still worth it ;) (at least in my opinion) ...

There is no stopping this boy, he must eat the blocks!!!

if only he could crawl...

this was the beginning of frustration... he was moaning the whole time... 

hey buddy

round belly, thick thighs, just the way I like it!

mmm... and smiles! <3

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

BBQ play date

Hanging with the boys... its become quite entertaining for Jaxson the older he gets. He is infatuated with older cousins Ryder and Bentley! The day they are all running around together is quickly approaching... and what a sight that will be ;) Although I dont want Jaxson to grow up too quickly, I cant wait to see those three causing a ruckus together!!!

Where is Koda Bear?!?!

Lets play! Bentley is very sweet ;)

Wishing he could get down and run around!

mmm... cartoons, bring on the dancing

sweet face

three rug rats

look at that look he is giving Ryder!!!

Dirk couldnt help himself... he must play too

good job daddy!

May I have some Mac N' Cheese please...

Where did that cat go...

mmm, thanks gramps!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Dancing Baby

Thanks to Auntie Lo Lo and her sweet Christmas gift, Jaxson has taken to dancing! Flap those arms buddy!!!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012



Just an update for the out of towners...


first trip to the big boy park

shh... dont tell daddy

hanging with daddy

cuddle man


gave me a few free minutes... he loves to watch it ;)haha!

and the newest cutest thing in the entire world!!!!
we are loving every new stage!!!
Its fun to watch them grow up ...

I only want my dog

Its become comical lately... Jaxson wakes up from a nap and instantly begins looking around for Koda! He throws his head from side to side, sends out a few grunts... then when he finally spots her he smiles and kicks his legs!!! If we move him he will protest. He loves his dog!!!!

He tries to share his toys

she is not interested

He tries to share his food

She IS interested... (they were scolded for this) ;)

She likes the green ball, but he wont give it up!

She just waits around, hoping for interaction

aww. koda.