Thursday, February 23, 2012

7 month photo shoot

Before we started our seven month photo shoot I thought I would take some pictures of what Dirk and I see when Jaxson wakes up in his crib. He has learned that Mommy and Daddy will come through that door... so I will wait, make noise, and stare...

first... a peak through the railing...

Then and excited head poke over the crib...

and back down to see whats really going on out there! ;)
He has even learned to pull down on the bumper to get a better look

probably looking for Koda...

and so the photo shoot begins... and this is the only picture that has the 7 block showing. Jaxson snagged it early on!

slick hair!

thrilled about the new toy...


and daddy came in at the end... all smiles!

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