Thursday, May 30, 2013


I wish I had better lighting in this photo... but I had to put up a sleeping shot! the many positions of Jaxson!! 

we must be tired around here... 

Mommy got a break day! Thanks to my loving hubs!! It was his idea... I had my hair done in the morning with a mimosa, then I stopped at a local crepe place for a nutella flavored lunch, and finished the day getting my toes painted!!! a day from Heaven- really!!!!!

My helper in the kitchen...

making his own mini pizzas

and eating the flour ... 

Once in a while it gets quiet around the house... so quiet that the mommy radar says something is wrong... 

now I now that he enjoys raw oats at least!! ;)

again... another quiet moment...

Koda, salivating!

attempting to eat out again ;)

cant get mad at that face

Preston!! His buddy!!! So sweet!!!

Park day! 

his new fake laugh!! hilarious

hanging with the McIntires!! 

and another sweet Preston moment!!! Holding hands while hanging out with this great family!

choo choo

new move at little gym... this kid is obsessed!

apparently he thinks there has been a bird behind our couch for a week now! He checks in with it daily

MOOCH!!! Is what he says when he is trying to say- "One more please"... here we are eating m&m's 

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