Wednesday, June 19, 2013


As long as we are outside... life is good. Thats literally all we do these days! I cant complain... its what we hoped for... 

this child just rarely slows down ;)

He eats on the move- outside...

pushes his own bike...

takes a brownie break... but only for chocolate!


trucks, outside!!

tantrum FIRST thing in the morning because he wanted to go outside!

Daddy visits little gym ;) an indoor thing, but being at a gym is wild... so it counts for being outside!

showing off his moves

he only lets go of daddy's hand, not mine!

last day- he received a medal ... 

he thought he would hold the platform instead of stand on it!

then almost knock out his friends by swinging it around!!! yikes!!!

she still loves him though!

OUTDOOR furniture for a lunch break

outside skateboarding to the pool with daddy

mmm.... My heart!!!! those boys!!! tooooooo cccuuuuttteeeee!!!

trying to have a drink out and jaxson decides he wants to get on stage and serenade us 

and back outside... 

the boat- he is quickly learning to LOVE it!!

so worn out from boating he passed out on the tube!!! hahaha

and sleeping with a chip in hand... it almost made it!

a bike ride... this has become something we do most days... again, outside!

bbqing with some friends... 

water- outside!

sweet boys!

tuckered out... and dirty toes on my counter!!!eww!!!

playing hard= fat lip

food truck monday- dinner out (literally out) with all our closest buddies!!! the best!!!!

cupcake truck

and these days the only thing that will get this boy in the bath... and to come in from playing outside are glow sticks... 

fine by me!!! but I wonder how long it will last!!??

dirty teddy ... outside...

towel baby, the best!

bike ride to yogurt!!!! love summer time!

and on our way to yogurt... we were stopped by a channel 2 reporter asking us to comment on how we feel about the police chief and the fire chief both moving on... and budget cuts... yada yada yada... hell if I know... I am just a stay at home mom... I worry about how to get my child in to the bath and bed!!! so I made Dirk answer... he is so smooth!!!how does he do it?!?!?! and famous now!!!

this boy- dada dada dada dada!!!!! over and over and over!!! hahahahahahah!! 

and now he SOMETIMES says his own name:

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