Monday, August 19, 2013

July 4th...

The summer seems to be flying by, already the middle of August! So I am playing a little catch up on the blog. Our days are filled with lots of activities lately... water, friends and such ... so its been harder to sit down and post these much over due photos! but here it goes...

our cute mini condo at Silverado Resort in Napa Valley... ahh wine country- how we love you!

though sleeping took a while to settle in to, this guy had no problem making himself feel at home right away!!! teddy and some juice... he is set!

We spent our first day by the pool as a family. Nothing makes this kiddo happier than playing in the water... 

handsome boy dressed up for dinner out!

our room was right near the golf range. naturally this boy charged right out there so he could be a part of the action. 

the only thing that this boy loves more than water is GOLF!!! so funny that this is the thing that he gravitates to! we love it... and he literally practices daily! 

winery visit- there we are ... those tired parents!

uncle Ben time

silver oak!!! YUM

Auntie T and Uncle Ben

this guy was such a trooper. He had his trucks, snacks and plenty of family to entertain him while us adults sipped some wine.

and a little more golf...

out on the course after hours... 

breakfast with Mama!

hangin with my main squeeze!

and back to the pool...

a little more golf... but this time he wanted to try out the BIG clubs

another winery...

stud on the tour

and after all was said and done, and eaten, and played... this little one was certainly ready to hit the road!

he had enough of the wine country... ready to go home and tear it up again ;)

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