Friday, March 28, 2014

holy long time catch up....

i realize that it has been three months... okay, almost four- since i have update this thing. So I am overloading this post with pics to play a quick catch up!! 

We are glad spring is coming along, although we cant say it has been a terribly rough winter ;) we have still had plenty of sunshine... and daily stroller walks with our dear Koda girl!!

if only I can get him to keep that hat on longer than 10 minutes. melt my heart!!!

front row view of the tractor at the park!! not a bad way to have a boy spend is lunch time!

this is his new "chhheeeeesssseee" smile!!!

we have been doing lots and lots of art... painting is his favorite. 

i made him a spider man blanket for his new big boy bed!!

he loves it!

he loves to help wash the dishes... and himself apparently ;) 

hard at work... hopefully he will still like this chore in a few years!!!

many days have been spent at the park. best free entertainment ever!!!

he's a ham!

sometimes we literally have to bribe him to eat... but i will do what i have to do!!

clearly he doesnt mind!!!

a little more park time

a little more washing time

a new restaurant opened by our house... We are obsessed with it. Jaxson powered down a nutella donut... this boy shares the love of nutella with me!

he seriously loved it....

just another day at the park with his cool daddy

he has his own kitchen, but he decided he wanted to use mine instead

we went to cirque du soleil... which was soooo cool. 

he managed to stay pretty entertained!

we golf often... thanks to the club!

love this shot of these two... 

nice swing kid!

looks up to daddy... so precious

he still LOVES building his choo choo track

and some more cooking. I am doing the real thing, he is stirring sprinkles!!!

One rainy day I took him to the Children's Discovery Museum. Such a blast...

He was enamored. 

Just like his daddy... he is quiet when he sees something new, observes, then makes his move!

this was very entertaining 

but what I learned was... do this exhibit last!!!! He was drenched before we made it through the rest of this place!!!

oh well, it was worth it though!

he loved the moon sand room... and of course after visiting the water exhibit this moon sand stuck right to him... oops!!! hahaha

bubble room.... our last stop... so go ahead child... get wet again!!!!

and on our way out the door there was a fire truck with some dress up items...

my fireman, hard at work!!!

lunardies... coolest little shopping carts ever!!! this is the best way to shop with him! 

and yes, we tried potty training... didnt go so well.... but we will try again soon!!!

like a man, eating on the job!
Koda... so patient.... 

we made our own moon sand at home... but I quickly learned its best played with outside!!!

choo choo and block time

our bible study buddies... just chillen while the adults hang out and talk
this is the best smile i could get out of these two at bible study!!! hahaha... cute though

love it when the weather is nice!

our quicksilver hike... there are fish in there... gross!!!!

still has an obsession with dinosaurs....

stole mommy's juice

Koda turned 5... shes growin up! 

hugs to the birthday girl!!! no treats though ;( she is still on a diet!

we all got one more cold... ugh!!! but at least he is cute!!!

Dirka turned the dirty 30!!!! on monday.... so we had a nice dinner at home with some testarossa wine!!! yummy!!! his favorite!!!

lately on our grocery store visits this kid asks to sit in the big part ... fine by me... and to my surprise he keeps begging to eat berries as we go through the store!!! YES OF COURSE!!!! I love that he chooses that, even though there is a bag of cheetos right in front of him. Good boy, mommy will eat the cheetos later ;)

another bible study night... all the kiddos

and continuing to help me clean this house... have at it kiddo!!!

just learning to climb trees!

a little more cooking...

our neighbors set up a picnic dinner for the kids in the neighborhood... they had mac n cheese... pretty cute. The Kids put it all together. And they even prayed together!!!

Today Jaxson and I went back to Happy Hollow for a fun friday in the sun!!
first stop... we needed a ride on Triceratops!!! HIS FAVORITE

checking out the monkeys

looking at the turtle

digging up dinosaur bones!

and almost getting eaten by the jaguar!!! clearly that guy doesnt like captivity. Scared the crap out of Jaxson and I ... and somehow I still got a picture of it!!!

and mommy then took him on his first roller coaster ride... i told him it was like a big choo choo... hahahaha

he's not so sure on the way up... and the first dip he looked like he was going to kill me, but after that his laughter was uncontrollable!!! We rode that thing three times before we went home!!! 
that smile!!!!!

swing ride

sheep ... all he is saying is "baaa" "baaaa" haha

hey donkey!

hi cow... literally waving!!

and passed out on the way home!! thats the best. tells me he had a good day!!! 

and dear papa frank... we miss you!!!

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