Sunday, September 2, 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012

Here is the latest thing that cracks us up ... He makes a funny face! This boy is quickly taking after dada!

same pool day, showing off his dance moves ;)!!!

well, even though I cant get my photos on the computer at the moment (working on it!!) I can put up a few videos ;) 

Here is Jax Man and his first time in the pool, clearly by his reaction, it wont be his last!!!

He loves it!!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

mama time

out to run errands! 

making a mess in the kitchen

eating chocolate cake

helping with arts and crafts

being sweet and cuddly

being wild and crazy

playing outside- straight limbs- so excited!

as close to the grass as he can get without touching it- he doesnt like the feeling;) !!! hahaha

helping fold laundry

and of course- helping with the dishes too!

starting chores early ;)

just like daddy

basketball shorts and hunting for sports center...

morning hair



hungry ;)... just thought this was funny!!

my boys and their tanks!!


Now that Jaxson is a little older the playdates are becoming more and more fun. He is starting to recognize other babies or kids and gets so excited to play!
With all this warm weather, we had an out door water date with sweet Preston! Oh how we love to play with water and splash!


sweet faces!

We joined in the fun at Grama Susie and Grampa's this past thursday. Something we will do more often- A play date with all the great grand baby boys! This is a precious thing for us to be able to do. I love visiting with my grandparents and watching all the little boys go nuts! 

Aunty Tessa and Aunty Debbie

Smiles for GG


snacking on cherrios with Gramps. I had an exact moment like this when I was little... only I spilled all my cheerios on the floor and felt terrible- but grandma said to me- its always an accident at Grama's house (never mad at me) ... so to this day ... when something happens, I just claim- It was an accident!!!!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Look who is on the move!!!!!!!!

Rolling, scooting, standing, and now... crawling ;) yeah!!!! Go Jaxson Go!!!! all it took was a little dog kibble!!! who knew!?!?!?!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Balancing Act

Grama stopped by for a visit today and Jaxson wanted to show off his talents. He has been doing the balancing thing for a while... but today showed his frustrations when everything didnt go exactly his way !!! ;)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

backyard fun

now that its warm... this is where we spend most of our time... and yes, Koda must be a part of it too. 

but Jaxson doesnt mind. He is obsessed with his dog.

and this is our version of a pool, for now. A small storage bin... filled with water and toys... oh how fun!


hot Saturday - everyone had fun outside.

lunch time for Jaxson...

and lunch time for mommy and daddy... La Villa- YUM!!! and spiked arnold Palmers.... YUM!!! Good day!

Then back to the "pool" for a little more fun!


9 mo photos!

holding his brush and helping mommy get that hair just right!

show me those teeth... this is his new smile.. wrinkled nose and two front teeth ;)


long like daddy- quite the pose huh!?! 


Easter Weekend

Warm sun, lots of family, and plenty of attention for Jaxson... what more could you ask for...

feed me gramps! feed me!!!!

prunes... mmm!!! 

Our trip to GG's was SO much fun. Lots of family and cousin time ;) Here is our hunk waiting to take some pics with his studly cousins! All dressed up for Easter Sunday- so handsome!

The boys join in... and this is probably the best picture I got of the three of them. I love how they are infatuated with what Ryder is doing... Jaxson even has a hand hanging on his shoulder!

but soon Jaxson decides he is done with Mommy and Aunty Lo snappy pictures... so he begins the melt down. But sweet Bentley offers his spoon to try and console him... 

when Bentley realized the spoon wasnt working- he was outa there!!!! haha!!! I dont blame him... there was no turning back for Jaxson at that point!

We did manage to get a family shot though ;) My men and their polos!!!

sportin the Pj's that Grandma Linda bought us! Cute!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

bye bye

working on a few things... this is one of them ;)

Hangin with some buddies...

A few play dates, a birthday- just some good old fashion friend time ;)
Jaxson and Preston hanging out...

Preston is checking him out... 

And I recently had my 28th bday... Yikes.. I know I am still young, but cant believe 30 is creeping closer and closer. But to make my day special my best girlfriends took me out for a day on the town. Mommy free time... a sweet scrumptious breakfast, then some much needed girly shopping time. Its nice to be able to browse without needing to hurry with our babies around ;)

But to top off the amazing day Lauren made a cheesecake that is to die for! Becky's sister created this recipe ... and to this day- its one of the best I have ever had! 

Yes, she packed it in a cooler and we ate this divine thing in the back of her car! Only after they sang happy birthday to me in public of course!!! haha... 

mmm! that was one certainly a thoughtful way to make my day even more special!!!

then after my fabulous day I went out to dinner with both sides of the fam. Perfect way to end my night... 

the next weekend we had a play date bbq with some neighbor friends. Their son is only 6 weeks younger than Jaxson... so they of course enjoy checking each other out;)

they look like they are planning something suspicious in this photo!!!

I know this is sideways... but its still worth the view;)