Sunday, April 29, 2012

Easter Weekend

Warm sun, lots of family, and plenty of attention for Jaxson... what more could you ask for...

feed me gramps! feed me!!!!

prunes... mmm!!! 

Our trip to GG's was SO much fun. Lots of family and cousin time ;) Here is our hunk waiting to take some pics with his studly cousins! All dressed up for Easter Sunday- so handsome!

The boys join in... and this is probably the best picture I got of the three of them. I love how they are infatuated with what Ryder is doing... Jaxson even has a hand hanging on his shoulder!

but soon Jaxson decides he is done with Mommy and Aunty Lo snappy pictures... so he begins the melt down. But sweet Bentley offers his spoon to try and console him... 

when Bentley realized the spoon wasnt working- he was outa there!!!! haha!!! I dont blame him... there was no turning back for Jaxson at that point!

We did manage to get a family shot though ;) My men and their polos!!!

sportin the Pj's that Grandma Linda bought us! Cute!

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