Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hamadys in October

Everything is just the same around here... with a little fall in the air. We love our seasons!! And we love this wild boy! 
I love the moments that I catch him reading quietly to himself. Does my heart good! Of course he chooses the Choo Choo book- everytime!! But I LOVE it still!!!

We are back at BSF ... making funny faces and enjoying some lunch and friends at the church playground after class. He LOVES this part. Of course... mr social! 

I am pretty sure there is a choo choo in that book too ;) warms my heart... 

those cute smelly toes still end up on my counter once in a while... so gross!

this is what our walks look like these days. Koda and I wait for Jaxson to collect all the sticks and rocks he can find... and we wait for him to point out all the birds and trucks that zoom by us... we wait... and we wait... and once in a while he will sit back down with a snack so mommy can actually do the work out she intended to ;)

making a mess is a usual 

and there is the fall we love... the pumpkin patch with friends just because we can...

his new obsession- Tractors!! he loved this one!

such a serious driver

Preston, Caleb and Jaxson... the boys day... checking out the chickens... 

we had to work on not chasing or yelling at the poor sweet bunnies... this looks like a sweet moment, but it was a 2 second shot that I captured in which Jaxson was gentle!! hahaha... 

He tried out the hay maze... 

and decided he could definitely get out if he just climbed on top! What a smart kid!!!

and we couldnt leave if we didnt ride that much coveted choo choo!!!

Mr Preston ... best buds

Just a new way to watch cartoons... 

or from the top of the couch... his personal jungle gym

slick man- new hair cut

and with one last chance at some sun we spent the weekend camping... only in California can you still boat in October... 

new tonka truck...

oh- and yes, we celebrated our 5 year anniversary in the dirt! It was fabulous! cheers!!

Raarrrrrr... dinosaurs 

trying to nap

daddy is still a stud

and this kid... wetsuit and all... was DYING to swim!!!! so... in he went... 

he is a pro on that board already... paddle little man ... paddle!!

First tow behind the boat on a real toy...

and a snooze on his sweet daddy. Nothing hotter than a man with his baby passed out on his chest! 

and jaxson gives himself a shower at the end of the sunny day... he says "mama out!!!" and rinses himself off. Thank goodness for full hook-ups... otherwise he would have used ALL the water!!!

back at home... a family home depot run... jaxson learning about dishwasher hookups 

mr man steeling my cheese. He literally gets his stool, carries it into the kitchen and places it wherever he needs to!! in this case... as close to the cheese as those little fingers could get! clever!!

a quick halloween preview... "RARRRR" our little dinosaur

hard at work... speaking my love language!!! 

spending our anniversary camping was sweet and all, but this is what I was really waiting for ... a Napa getaway- with our favorites. 

plenty of wine, plenty of food, and great friends!

and once we returned home... we picked up right where we left off... 

with this guy ;)

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