Monday, January 28, 2013

Dance boy, Dance!!!

This past weekend we drove two hours south to hang out in Paso Robles, and watch a sweet family friend tie the knot! Jaxson... well, he had the time of his life! He sort of gets to do as he pleases and everyone is just expected to chase him, catch him, and just try to keep him out of harms way! When we arrived at our hotel this little man ran up and down the hallways for an hour and practically broke the elevator with his gramps! Thankfully he napped well before heading off to the church... where of course we lasted 30 seconds.

Jaxson and I of course ended up outside, where like I mentioned before, I tried to contain him and teach him that trying to run into the street is not a good idea... not easy to do in heels! 

after sweating a bit, the ceremony ended and all the kids ended up by the horse and carriage waiting outside. Pretty cute!

containing the kiddos in the back of the car... this was the beginning of their love fest!
Stella is the darling 1 year old of our friends Nathan and Haley... She is the cutest! and I think Jaxson thought so too!

We finally made it to the FOOD ;) Best part!! He dug into the party favors (COOKIES) right away!!!!

We eventually ate, Jaxson continued to run in the hallways even at the reception, and out-use the elevator with his Gramps Hamady!!! Although, I am not complaining, that just means I was able to actually eat my dinner and drink some wine!! I swear, I will never go out to eat unless Grandparents are present!!! Otherwise, for us, its literally impossible!!!! Even at a wedding ;)

the music came on... and Jaxson was literally a magnet to the dance floor!!! HE DANCED LIKE A WILD MAN!!! We couldnt stop laughing. For two hours... this is where our son was...

there are no words!!!! ;)

continuing to put the moves on poor Stella!!!

a little slow dance action...


wanting to show her the town!

the dads... just doing what they do!

the father daughter and mother son part of the evening meant that Jaxson was asked to take a break from dancing... he fought and fought and climb his Gramps to make his way back out there... 

and on the evening went... Dance Beppa, Dance ...

And like the amazing Beppa that she is... she followed that kid all over the dance floor yet again!!

Breakfast before we head out of town... and like I said, I WONT go out to eat unless a Grandparent is present!!!!!!

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