Thursday, January 17, 2013

long time coming...

Its been a busy past few months for our family. Lots of holidays, trips, and to-do's... but never the less, we are back at the blog business ;)

Here are a few of the past few months "catch up" photos!!

before Halloween we had a Pumpkin patch visit!

trying to decide which one he wants to bring home...

Oh yeah, and the Giants WON the world series!!!!

did I mention the Giants won the world series :)!!!!!!!

for Halloween we tried to dress him up as a scarecrow... the costume- He hated!!!!!
He ripped at the straw, tore off his hat, and tried to eat his candy through the wrappers... actually, he did eat a wrapper or two ;) 

the best shot I could get!!!

We got our first hair cut... He SCREAMED the entire time!!!! haha, but when he was finally done he was happy as a clam to be driving that car!

We had family visit for Turkey Day!!! Uncle Ben and Auntie T hanging with the little man!

The day after Turkey, we all went out on our Christmas tree hunt adventure. Packed with family, snacks, wine, and a time limit;) We ended up finding a great tree, that of course was too big for our little living room... I swear next year I am getting on that sits on a shelf! 

This boy loved it! Cute!!!!! 

We made some Christmas cookies... per tradition!!

He of course ONLY ate the frosting!!!

Aunt Sandie gave Jax a fabulous red wagon!!! Alternative to our stroller... he seems to enjoy it ;)

We battled daily, hourly, well... by the minute with this boy to leave the tree alone... but nothing worked. Eventually I gave up, allowed him to constantly rearrange all the ornaments within his reach ... thank goodness for our new shatter resistant bulbs!!!! 

Then before Christmas the three of us took our first family vacation alone! We had the best time ever!!! Daddy surfed, mommy went to the spa, and this guy played and played and played...

can you believe this weather in December?! I love California!!

Someday Jaxson... someday...
despite my efforts my child still managed to get in the water! !!! Yes he turned purple, but I couldn't resist the laughter... he is OBSESSED with WA WA!!!! 

My stud... 

so cute!

the parks in Pismo... they are gorgeous... 

the best family shot we could get... the three of us, fighting the wind!!

back at home ... we went to our church for christmas eve service... we started inside... He loved the music, danced with daddy... and then of course ended up in the back watching on the monitors...

after church we went to our usual dinner, Dick and Deb's house with cousins and great grandparents... Here Casey dressed up as Santa bringing the kids gifts... and I FORCED Jaxson to get a photo with him... clearly he hated it ;) but what is a mom to do... I feel like its my job to get a Santa photo... even with a scared child!!!!!

after dinner, back at home, daddy Santa was building away!!! Oh the late night workshop was worth it to see Jaxson with his car the next morning. 

Christmas morning breakfast at home. A new tradition... the best most sugary soaked french toast you will ever have... next year, we will add a little protein!!!!

just taking a ride with MELMO!

baby, its cold outside...

typical morning... playing with toys... standing/hanging/climbing on furniture

because of this cold rainy weather... I bought the cutest rain boots, slapped those suckers on his feet and sent him outside... which lasted a hot second... he HATED them!!!!

Shoveling my snack into my mouth!

and.... a new love for candy canes!!!

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