Monday, January 28, 2013

Toddlers and Rain!!

      The winter months can be difficult with a little boy at home. All this kid wants to do is be outside! I love that about Jaxson, but while its raining I have to contain him in our little house. Poor kid stands at the back door and cries!!! haha!

Here is the bugger...

reverting back to crawling and purposely to get stuck under the rocker...

watching movies... and movies... and movies...(yes, I let my child watch TV, especially when its raining!!!) ;)

trying to help mommy paint her toes, something I will never try again while he is awake!!! boy was that interesting!!

So  instead of the usual boring activities, we decided to make cookies together. 

I propped this kid up on a chair so he had a front row seat. Which was cute at first, but keeping him seated was another battle!

the mixer clearly intrigued him!

and I gave him his own utensils...

the first time he said the word "cookie" Sort of ;)

and his first taste of cookie dough!!! pretty tasty!!!

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