Wednesday, March 27, 2013

again ... my heart melts...

My heart Melts...

My heart melts with how much you love Koda...

how you play with dada

how you must climb everything

how you sit at a big boy table and color

how you help mama water the plants

how you feed all your goldfish to Koda

then help her eat them

how you play with great gramercy

how you eat EVERYTHING

how you eat a gourmet meal at great gramercy's house

how you love your friends

how you play like a wild boy

how you love a B&E special like your daddy

How you love dessert like your mommy

how you are obsessed with water

 How you join me for worship at bsf, then sign and sing the songs

how you laugh at the boys in front of you singing too

how you sit at our table like a big boy now

how you ask for a ride and look so darn cute

how you still want to chill even when we are done

how you make me laugh

how you cause a scene in public and I do nothing to stop it

how you become silent for a few minutes when the food has arrived

how you make a mess on that sweet face

how you "waddle run"

how you say "wa wa"

you just melt my heart, boy!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Be gone Ivy!!!

We have had a few nice days of weather recently and much to Dirk's demise- that means his wife is just dreaming up the projects around the house that must be done! He jokes that he never knows what I am going to say to him on Saturday mornings- but he might be right... because sometimes I dont even know that I am ready to start another project until the moment hits me! And that seems to happen often;)

My latest ides- I decided the ivy in our front yard must go!!!!! 

Here was my rational:
its wasted space
critters live in there
the HOA cant see it so they wont know what I am doing with it
i need a garden area that Koda cant eat
and Jaxson deserves a bit more space to play

thats what I told Dirk at least...

so I went in...

It started with the idea of just ripping out a section near the window...

laying some pavers...

planting some veggies, flowers, and herbs...

then when I realized how much this kid was enjoying himself out here, I thought... I should probably rip out the rest...

so back to home depot we went ;)

sand box fun

a little curb appeal

and now... its a comfortable place to relax and play

he thinks so too!!!


Thursday, March 7, 2013

life with a little boy...

Our days are far from predictable... 
Some days, when I am lucky- are easy... (though I cant recall many of those)... everyday it seems I learn more about myself while having a toddler than I do about anything else. I am learning to roll with the punches, smirks and smiles. 
Learning to let him scream in public if he so desires
Learning to abandon my shopping cart if need be
Learning that showering is a luxury
Learning that him sleeping through the night is a luxury (or even nap time)
Learning that dining out must be twenty minutes or less, or not at all
Learning that- every night I have to pin him down to brush those teeth
Learning that if he still wants to watch Polar Express even though its not Christmas-fine!
Learning to be ok when everyday never goes as planned!! 
And even though I am daily learning these things- I wouldn't have it any other way!!   
well, maybe an extra shower here and there ;) 

exploring Gramercy's house

Making a mess at Gramercy's house

Red Robin- first five minutes...

Red Robin- the next 20 minutes...


get out of my way mom...

bed time snack/cuddle with daddy routine, while mommy is praying that he goes to bed when I tell him to!!!

dinner out with friends... next time it will be dinner in with friends
we made it through five minutes and he was done!

making the most of the mornings ( on the weekends) that this kid is up WAY too early!!

that crib head! love it

I am still trying to figure out why I even make pancakes for this kid when all he eats is syrup;)

looking tired and innocent 

"sti" just like his daddy liked

no one is attempting to get out of this car again before we get home... we NEEDED a Fry!!!

Oh this kid... 

I am proud to call that booger OURS!!!