Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My heart Melts...

My heart melts with how much you love Koda...

how you play with dada

how you must climb everything

how you sit at a big boy table and color

how you help mama water the plants

how you feed all your goldfish to Koda

then help her eat them

how you play with great gramercy

how you eat EVERYTHING

how you eat a gourmet meal at great gramercy's house

how you love your friends

how you play like a wild boy

how you love a B&E special like your daddy

How you love dessert like your mommy

how you are obsessed with water

 How you join me for worship at bsf, then sign and sing the songs

how you laugh at the boys in front of you singing too

how you sit at our table like a big boy now

how you ask for a ride and look so darn cute

how you still want to chill even when we are done

how you make me laugh

how you cause a scene in public and I do nothing to stop it

how you become silent for a few minutes when the food has arrived

how you make a mess on that sweet face

how you "waddle run"

how you say "wa wa"

you just melt my heart, boy!

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