Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Be gone Ivy!!!

We have had a few nice days of weather recently and much to Dirk's demise- that means his wife is just dreaming up the projects around the house that must be done! He jokes that he never knows what I am going to say to him on Saturday mornings- but he might be right... because sometimes I dont even know that I am ready to start another project until the moment hits me! And that seems to happen often;)

My latest ides- I decided the ivy in our front yard must go!!!!! 

Here was my rational:
its wasted space
critters live in there
the HOA cant see it so they wont know what I am doing with it
i need a garden area that Koda cant eat
and Jaxson deserves a bit more space to play

thats what I told Dirk at least...

so I went in...

It started with the idea of just ripping out a section near the window...

laying some pavers...

planting some veggies, flowers, and herbs...

then when I realized how much this kid was enjoying himself out here, I thought... I should probably rip out the rest...

so back to home depot we went ;)

sand box fun

a little curb appeal

and now... its a comfortable place to relax and play

he thinks so too!!!

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