Monday, November 14, 2011

keeping our sanity...

well, lately has been tough in the Hamady home. We have had sleepless nights for 3 weeks now... We tell our sweet Jaxson its a good thing he is cute, cause this hasnt been easy. What I am learning is every parent deals with this at some point along the way... they just never talked about how hard it was!!!! Well, we love this boy... so we will do whatever it takes!!!!

getting help from grandparents! Jaxson never got out of his jammies that day!

Koda- looking for food while we visited

bought a high chair... thought we would just practice, but turns out - we use it daily now! In effort to sleep more at night daddy and I have decided to supplement a bottle of formula a day and a little rice cereal at night. This took a lot of thought on my part, and maybe a few tears to mourn the beginning of my letting go process, but all in all - its been ok. Jaxson is a big boy and in need of a little more substance. Doctor says its a good thing, so I guess mommy needs to let this boy start growing up!

but he is still my sweet baby

one of our sleepless days (yes, he wasnt napping either) I put on Yo Gabba Gabba on the computer. This is HUGE favorite of our cousins Ryder and Bentley. Glad they introduced it to us because this video gave me fifteen minutes of much needed free time!!!! HAHA

funny thing is... if you look in the back ground Daddy is doing the same exact thing!!!!haha... only he is watching football. I had fifteen minutes of quiet all over the house!!!! hehehehe

stroller rides help too... for baby and koda!

first bites of rice cereal- HE LOVED IT!!!!!

this is the cutest video ever!!!!

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