Wednesday, November 2, 2011

1st Halloween !!!

Of course I wanted to take Jaxson out trick or treating (clearly to get candy for myself!!), but Dirk convinced me that it would look funny asking for candy with a four month old!!!! haha!!! So I settled for hanging out at my parents house and just eating their candy! I had candy and Dirk had wine... sounds about right ;)

Love that man... and that little man!!!

mmm.... look at that!!

Just like his mommy!!!!

can I?!?! can I?!?!?

Gramps and Monkey Man!

I can just hear him saying... "seriously mom, why am I wearing this thing!!!???"

full body shot, with the tail ;)

if you look closely he is actually trying to eat the candy! Good boy!

next year... we will be walking and getting some candy (for mommy) hehe!!!

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