Monday, November 7, 2011

quite the traveler...

Well, in a few weeks we will be attempting a flight to Maui with this little guy... but having a trial run to the LA area was sort of nice ;) Jaxson flew like a champ... the flight was less than an hour, but still he did great. It was mommy and daddy that everyone needed to worry about. We were nervous and slightly frantic... all for nothing.

San Jose Airport... hanging in the carrier!!! He loved it!

Our trip to LA served a few purposes... One of which was Cory's Wedding!!!

Way to smile honey!!

Pastor Barney very excited about the Champagne! hehe!!

ok, maybe we were a little excited too ;)

handsome brothers!

family shot

and one more of the sweet peanut!!!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the dress. You're a rockin' momma! Hawaii will be fun!
