Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tech babies

Playing in Daddy's car once he has arrived home from work is so fun for this boy. Something interesting to explore... with plenty of buttons to push! What amazes me is how observant kids are... they cant say much or do much yet, but they are still watching us! Apparently Jaxson knows what to do with our hands free piece for our cell phones...

Rollin... Riden Dirty!!!! 

keepin it interesting

This boy. This boy!

 He is sweet.
 He is cute. 
He is funny. 
He is wild.

He is ALL boy!

He is trying to be patient on a lunch date with mama...

He is obsessed with "BA" time... (and now he forces Dada to join us)

He is hard to entertain on rainy days! We had a rice crispy adventure in our living room..

...which started out mellow and fun...

...then that boy came alive, and wondered why Koda was not inside playing with him...

He is impossible to take shopping these days

He is climbing everything (even our furniture at home)

He is still eating dirt

He is trying to sit on a big chair like a big boy

He is obsessed with bacon

He is also obsessed with Dada

He still has the cutest buns

He is still the cutest thing wrapped in a towel

He is a great golfer

He is my boy!

Monday, February 18, 2013


There are so many reasons as to why I LOVE living in California... but the weather is on my TOP 3!!! This weekend we went to New Brighton Beach ... in February, and it was gorgeous!!! Winter- Shminter... it was HOT!!! My parents went on an RV adventure with some friends and we thought a day trip visit with some play time was in order!!! A little time for Dirk to paddle around in the waves, a little time for my boy to run naked on the beach and play his heart out, and a little time for me to watch my boys literally smile ALL day long!

Stick Man... as Uncle Ben reminded us ;) Like father, like son!!!

He quickly got over the fact that he doesnt like his feet touching sand!

Koda made the trip too... lucky dog if you ask me!!!

WA WA!!!!! This kid is literally obsessed!!! Just like his father... yet again!!!;) 

that diaper didnt last long, which is fine with me. Watching those jiggly buns run around makes my heart melt!

Pure excitement. The water was freezing of course, but NOTHING can keep this kid out of it!!


by the end of our day this kid had sand in every crevice you could find... and he could care less. Nakey boy... fun day... 


Exhausted ;) Love it!!!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Happy Hollow- Round two!!!!

Well, our second attempt at going to Happy Hollow was just as fun as the first... only this time we didnt have any crying!!!

All smiles...

I think he noticed all of the parents around this ride ANXIOUSLY waving at their own children, that he must have thought everyone was waving at him... haha, so this kid, waved back ;)!!!! CUTE

and last but not least... this trip we made it to the animal section of the park... and he must have thought that all of these goats would treat him the same as his beloved Koda does... but he was mistaken... they are tired and quite frankly, these goats seem a little tired of toddlers!!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

daddy, toys and more...

Now that the weather is starting to warm up we are doing our best to get outside and soak up that vitamin D. Most days after Jaxson's nap we take a walk around our complex. Well... a walk, or a run, or whatever I need to do to try and keep Jaxson within twenty feet of me!!

If we get lucky, we catch Daddy on his drive home...

then Jaxson gets to drive... highlight of his day I am sure!!!!

due to some rain we thought we needed something to brighten this kid up... so I bought him a broom (ba ba as he says) that is just his size to help me clean up after the messes he makes!

morning movie... go away rain...

and just because it was the weekend... and we were feeling generous... (or maybe we CANT stop spoiling our child) ... we went out for a SLIDE!!!!!!!

Hours of fun!

oh and the box too!

and in an effort to entertain this child while he has been stuck in doors... we finally built a long over due Christmas present from Gramps Hamady and Bepa!!!! 

I thought they would want to see the naked cowboy in action!!!!

the buns!

and back down for another slide before bedtime... 

and these I just thought were hilarious... we attempted to go to Target today... He wanted to climb on every display, rearrange all the shelves, and scream as he made me LITERALLY run up and down the aisle after him!!! I had plenty of odd looks from folks, but whatever... they must not have children... or a boy at least!!!!!

Go Nuts Kid... I dont care ;)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

boys will be, well... boys...

someday soon I hope he will learn to keep the food he consumes on his fork or spoon. but for now- I just let Koda clean up when he is done!!!

enjoying mommy's corn chowder!!! MMM!!

messy boy

learning to be a boy, from the biggest boy I know ;) 

eating like a boy- a champ that is, and yes, we braved a restaurant! And it was actually fabulous!!

riding with the big boys... thank you Ryder ;)

Playing by the pool with the big boys- thank goodness for the net... these mom's can breath easy!!

sporting his favorite big boy hat!

chucking rocks like a big boy

helping Koda spread her food around the house like a BOY!!!

sword fighting, again, with the big boy;)!!!

sitting on a chair like a big boy

I made him a chalk board in hopes to keep the chalk outside and have something fun to draw on, but no... my battle continues!!!

a visit from our favorite boys...

Now they know how to use this thing!!!

chillin- with the boys!

another dinner attempt- again successful! I dont know what has gotten into us, but I am liking it!!

oh- and making another mess (without his spoon!) LIKE A BOY!!!!