Monday, February 18, 2013


There are so many reasons as to why I LOVE living in California... but the weather is on my TOP 3!!! This weekend we went to New Brighton Beach ... in February, and it was gorgeous!!! Winter- Shminter... it was HOT!!! My parents went on an RV adventure with some friends and we thought a day trip visit with some play time was in order!!! A little time for Dirk to paddle around in the waves, a little time for my boy to run naked on the beach and play his heart out, and a little time for me to watch my boys literally smile ALL day long!

Stick Man... as Uncle Ben reminded us ;) Like father, like son!!!

He quickly got over the fact that he doesnt like his feet touching sand!

Koda made the trip too... lucky dog if you ask me!!!

WA WA!!!!! This kid is literally obsessed!!! Just like his father... yet again!!!;) 

that diaper didnt last long, which is fine with me. Watching those jiggly buns run around makes my heart melt!

Pure excitement. The water was freezing of course, but NOTHING can keep this kid out of it!!


by the end of our day this kid had sand in every crevice you could find... and he could care less. Nakey boy... fun day... 


Exhausted ;) Love it!!!

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