Friday, February 1, 2013

Happy Hollow- Happy Kid

Today we visited a little park and zoo called Happy Hollow- A place for tiny kiddos near our house! Happy Hollow is somewhere I went while growing up, and now I get to take Jaxson!!! It was pretty cute upon arriving- there are moms with kids strapped to them, children running around them and strollers  EVERYWHERE!!!! Actually, at the park there is official "Stroller Parking" near the rides!!!!
We buddied up with a friend of mine and her daughter. Jaxson and Liliana are only two weeks apart! The cool thing about this place is- practically everything is toddler friendly! There are different places to play, different things to ride, and plenty of things to climb! I am sure it's Jaxson's new favorite place!!!

We were so excited when we first got there we thought we should plop our children on a slow yet darling ride right away.... hahaha, my mistake!!! or, maybe it was needed for warm up...

I could hardly film I was laughing so hard. But I have to say- a little torture went a long way, because that was the last cry I heard from this boy the rest of the day!!!!

dragon "Choo Choo" train ride!

If you look closely these kiddos actually look like they could be related... 


Thank goodness there were no lines at all because these kids did not want to get off the rides at all. Once they ended our toddlers pleaded to stay on... and keep going- so we rode everything twice!!!! 

He LOVED the Merry Go Round ... 

all smiles!!!

Just trompin around eating a peanut butter sandwich ... happy as a clam!!!

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