Tuesday, February 26, 2013

keepin it interesting

This boy. This boy!

 He is sweet.
 He is cute. 
He is funny. 
He is wild.

He is ALL boy!

He is trying to be patient on a lunch date with mama...

He is obsessed with "BA" time... (and now he forces Dada to join us)

He is hard to entertain on rainy days! We had a rice crispy adventure in our living room..

...which started out mellow and fun...

...then that boy came alive, and wondered why Koda was not inside playing with him...

He is impossible to take shopping these days

He is climbing everything (even our furniture at home)

He is still eating dirt

He is trying to sit on a big chair like a big boy

He is obsessed with bacon

He is also obsessed with Dada

He still has the cutest buns

He is still the cutest thing wrapped in a towel

He is a great golfer

He is my boy!

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