Tuesday, February 12, 2013

daddy, toys and more...

Now that the weather is starting to warm up we are doing our best to get outside and soak up that vitamin D. Most days after Jaxson's nap we take a walk around our complex. Well... a walk, or a run, or whatever I need to do to try and keep Jaxson within twenty feet of me!!

If we get lucky, we catch Daddy on his drive home...

then Jaxson gets to drive... highlight of his day I am sure!!!!

due to some rain we thought we needed something to brighten this kid up... so I bought him a broom (ba ba as he says) that is just his size to help me clean up after the messes he makes!

morning movie... go away rain...

and just because it was the weekend... and we were feeling generous... (or maybe we CANT stop spoiling our child) ... we went out for a SLIDE!!!!!!!

Hours of fun!

oh and the box too!

and in an effort to entertain this child while he has been stuck in doors... we finally built a long over due Christmas present from Gramps Hamady and Bepa!!!! 

I thought they would want to see the naked cowboy in action!!!!

the buns!

and back down for another slide before bedtime... 

and these I just thought were hilarious... we attempted to go to Target today... He wanted to climb on every display, rearrange all the shelves, and scream as he made me LITERALLY run up and down the aisle after him!!! I had plenty of odd looks from folks, but whatever... they must not have children... or a boy at least!!!!!

Go Nuts Kid... I dont care ;)

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